Course Updates
Monday - Status Green, Front 9 Closed For Maintenance.

Greens & Approaches nipped on Front 9,

Double Scarify to remove some OM and make some room for sand to sneal into the profile,

Verti Drain over the Low areas that collect surface water,

Dressed with around 4t of material,

Spike over the sand....
Now time to wait till it dries.... if it dries 🤣
Sunday - Status Green.
Greens Dew Removal,

Fresh Coloured Pin Position's,

Daily Setup Tasks completed,

Cherry Tree's looking happy this morning.... shame they don't last 😕

Member's Practice Ball Collection after the Course Work completed

Saturday - Status Green.
Dew removal this morning,

With the last Application of a Turf Hardener Mix.... some N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu, PGR & Penetrant 😋

Daily Tasks knocked off obviously too!

Yesterday's second hit of some Fe & a smidge of N to the Fairway's showing signs of annoying the Moss 💪

Friday - Status Green
Greens Rolled, but Practice Greens rolled when and if sand gets dry.

Fairway Divotting finished up.... on last few areas. Mammoth effort this has been from a few of the Team.... a huge dull Job but super important!

Fairway's Sprayed with some more Fe, N, Mg along with some wetter infront of tonight and this weekends damp stuff. Some natural moisture from the sky will really help move Fairways & more importantly the Divotting effort along.

Fresh pin position's,

Some Repair work to some Drain Lines and areas now we are going into a more milder period.

Organic Fertiliser applied to a few areas to keep grass in check and booming
Thursday - Status Green.
Cracker of a morning 😎

Yesterday's set up for machines, rates, spacing & depth looking successful still the day after. This will be what to expect next week with the Greens.

Greens Trimmed,

Some Plant Protection applied behind, in preparation for potentially pee'ing off the Plant next week with the planned Maintenance 😀

Approaches getting a trimm,

Fairway's getting a nip, in advance of a Spray tomorrow.

Tee's cut,

Daily Setup Tasks aswell as lots of bits and bobs as per.... Enjoy!

Wednesday - Status Green

Frosty start..... not ideal for Greens Maintenance Setup... so this will be started as soon as conditions allow. Putting Green & Chipping Green hit to get rates, spacing and practices tuned.

Not ideal for Irrigation start up and priming too... but with Maintenance next week we may need some water to help us. Expect some water popping up in places, i know i know... why today. Never a good day 😬

Fresh pin position's,

Fairway Divoting on a few Fairways that got dropped due to Golf Balls flying past staff 🤣

Overflow tinkering.....after having to abandon the works due to cars yesterday. Busy place WGC.... love it.

4th Bank works started back up now drier conditions,