Course Update
Monday – Course Status Green, carry bags if you can. Greens getting a trimm, Followed by a roll to press out the wheel marks as they are unstable from the recent spiking & sanding works, plus a cheeky switch of the sand it brings back up to the surface. Fresh coloured pin position’s, Daily setup…
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Sunday- Course Status Green, Course setup with greens dew removal, switched and holes trimmed. Bunkers Raked and tee setup and a divot from yesterday play.
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Saturday- Course Status Green Course setup for our members cross country event. Tournament blue balls placed for the event Greens dew brushed and switched Bunkers raked also Enjoy all
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Friday – Course Status Green, Start off the 10th with all 18 Holes in Play 💪 Greens dew removal…. todays rain should bash some grains into the profile🌧 Fresh Coloured Pin Position’s…. however, some Colours may not represent their zones, due to Saturday’s Cross Country requested Pin Position’s. Regardless of Colour, grip it & rip…
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Thursday – Course Status Green, Front 9 Open for Play while we conduct more Maintenance to the Back 9. Yesterday the Front 9 Greens got a dry’ish Roll, which brought up some sand, but then a Drag Matt to bash the clumps up and let it fall below the leaf. Also some areas got spoilt…
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Wednesday – Course Status Amber, Back 9 Open for Play while we conduct more Maintenance to the Front 9. Practice Ground Closed 12-2 for Maintenance. Long shift for the Dream Team yesterday on the Course…. Conditions weren’t as favourable as Monday’s were for the Front 9, but a solid effort with a smidge more sand…
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Tuesday – Course Status Amber, Front 9 Open Only with Course Maintenance on the Back 9. A copy and paste of yesterday’s workload, just on the other 9 holes. Some repairs first thing to get us through another busy day! Greens trimmed, Followed by a double Scarify down to -8mm to get rid of some…
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Monday – Course Status Amber, Back 9 Open Only with Course Maintenance on the Front 9. Greens trimmed, Followed by a double Scarify down to -8mm to get rid of some unwanted rubbish and make room for some sand. Heavy dress behind, 16mm spike over the top, Sweep some sand into the Scarified slits &…
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Sunday Course status red due to forecast heavy rain please carry if able. Greens Rolled, tee set and divot with bunkers raked, then onto the range for a ball pick.
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Saturday – Course Status Amber, carry bags if you can. Greens rolled. Putting green lifting up some sand from Thursday’s Maintenance Setup. Greens getting a home-made mix of Turf Hardener, ready for a stressful week for them from Monday🚜 Various forms of Ph additives, Acids, N, P, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Wetter & a smidge…
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