Course Update
Wednesday – Course Status Red… just about hanging on after another deluge 🌧 Heavier than forecasted rainfall yesterday, so lots of mowing plans scrapped 😡 Holes changed with fresh Coloured Pin position’s. Sand running to the last 2 Bunkers on 3rd & 7th. Tee’s getting a cheeky feed to give them a kick up the…
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Tuesday – Course Status Red, 10th Tee Start. Carry Bags if you can please. No vehicles on surfaces today after a swift 9mm in the early hours…. grrrr Bunker reinstatement continues on 15th & 7th. Daily setup tasks. Plus some detail work with Course Furniture. Seems daft with the weather at the moment… but getting…
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Bank Holiday Monday – Course Status Red, no joke 😛 Greens rolled, Another dry start, so another overdue spray ticked off and hay made while the sun shines! 🌞 Daily setup tasks completed of Tee Set, Divot & Bunkers raked. This past Winters Short Course Tee’s in play from today. Aeration half’s sprayed, as regular…
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Easter Sunday – Course Status Red, carry Bags if able. Surfaces dried out to their driest…. before tonight’s rain and a damp forecast for the week. Far from ideal…however, a massive push to get some surfaces cut before they get even less ideal. Greens trimmed. Overdue last application of an in-house mix of Turf Hardener.…
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Easter Saturday – Course Status “All Carry”, starting from the 10th. Greens dew removal with some white stuff around in the Collars, Fairways and longer stuff. Daily setup tasks of Bunkers scratched & Yesterday’s play Divotted. Ball Collection later on this morning.
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Good Friday – Course Status “All Carry” with a 10th Tee Start. Course Setup in progress to clear up the debris and chaos from yesterday’s wind and 42mm of Rainfall in the last few days. 289.5mm in the last few months, over 11 inches in old money. Limited access on the 17th Fairway, but this…
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Thursday – Course Status Blue Carry Only Range close from 12pm – 2pm for maintenance. Daily course setup greens rolled and holes changed. Tee set up with a divot from yesterday’s play. Bunker strimming, flymo and weeding continued
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Wednesday – Course Status Amber, carry bags if you can though 💪😘 Greens Dew Removal, No Divotting yesterday due to other workload priorities, so a heavy Divot from the last 2 days play. Bunker TLC with a flymo, strimm, blow de-weed, rake & some Lawn Sand around them. Bunker reinstatement continues… 10th finished yesterday. Some…
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Tuesday – Course Status Green. Greens Dew Removal, Plant protection spray close behind as this looks to be our only window…. eeeekkk! Fairways trimmed, Approaches trimmed, Bunker Reinstatement continues…
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Monday – Course Status Green, carry bags if you can. Greens getting a trimm, Followed by a roll to press out the wheel marks as they are unstable from the recent spiking & sanding works, plus a cheeky switch of the sand it brings back up to the surface. Fresh coloured pin position’s, Daily setup…
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