
Tuesday – Course Status Green. Greens nipped, but .25mm lower to Summer heights now the heat pressure is off a lil, Moisture levels checked and topped up to fine tune them, A spray behind of a lil bit of Nutrition now these heights are nipped down and with some added Penetrant as some drizzle maybe…

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Monday – Course Status Green, Club Championship build up. Nothing exciting this week, we try and keep the Course at as high a standard all year as we can, so this weekend is no different 😎 Greens Rolled, Moisture checks & 🔥 spots watered, Approaches nipped, Ditches & various area’s topped with strimmers, Daily setup…

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Sunday – Course status green. Greens getting a cut holes Changed and moisture levels checked bunkers raked, also a tee set and divot range pick later.

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Saturday – Course Status green. Captains charity day. Greens Rolled, moisture levels checked. Approaches cut, Tee set and divot and bunkers raked with range pick after setup.

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Friday – Course Status Green. Green’s trimmed, Moisture top up where needed, Fresh pin Position’s, Green’s getting a slightly earlier than planned spray of some Fe, N, P, K, Mg, Mn, Zn, PGR & Penetrant, Tee’s getting a nip before the weekend, 1st Cut of semi getting another trim again before the Weekend, Fairway’s double…

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Thursday – Course Status Green. No operation to the greens today after the recent heat and more especially yesterday’s roaster! Huge difference in temperature today. Greens getting their fortnightly application of Mollasses, Seaweed & Wetter to keep them happy and alleviate some stress from the last few days. A sprinkle of overheads to wash off…

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Wednesday – Course Status Green & hanging on to that Colour still out here 😎 Green’s rolled, Moisture checks and top ups where needed. Yes the Irrigation system is working, but to water the whole green when only spots need it is irresponsible & makes them slower 🐌 Fresh Pin Position’s & beginning to avoid…

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Tuesday – Course Status Green Greens are having a cut with a perimeter cut Followed by moisture testing and watering where it’s needed Tees having double action with cutting the main body of the tee with our ride on and the perimeter getting cut with the hard mower Fairways are getting a trim Of course…

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Monday – Course Status Red, 10th Tee Start. Sun Cream on Ladies & Gents ☀️ Greens getting a micro Slit, Followed by a Roll, Moisture checks & top ups in select areas to fine tune the Greens. Approaches nipped, Daily setup tasks, Horrible collapsed Bank on the 1st Pond getting some love the next few…

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Sunday – Course Status Green. Greens nipped with no VL, + brush off to reduce last weeks dressing being “flicked” up. Greens smashed with pitchmarks… a few feet away from the pins too! Come on Ladies & Gents, look after your Course, you must of seen these 👀 . It certainly wasn’t a Golf Day…

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