
Monday – Course Status Green. Greens nipped, Fairway’s spot treated to for weeds, with a mix of two products to knock a various collection of different weeds. Some Acid & Ammonium Sulphate in the mix to condition the hard water for maximum efficiency 💪 Daily setup tasks, Along with some Tee Plinth detail work and…

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Sunday – Course Status Green with a “More like summer” forecast… ish! Greens rolled this morning, After yesterday evening’s “arc” testing & watering in the products sprayed. This was done later in the day, not straight after application as a few of the items in the mix needed to dry on the leaf for maximum…

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Greens trimmed with a Victory Lap, Fortnightly application of Seaweed, Mollasses Sugars with the addition of a few forms of trace elements of N, P, Mg, Zn & some Residual Wetting Agent to keep the greens happy in this up coming slightly warmer/drier period 🤞 Daily Setup tasks of….. Bunkers Raked, Yesterday’s play Divotted out,…

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Friday – Course Status Green. Greens getting a roll, Approaches nipped, Fairway’s getting a double cut to last the weekend… Right to left first, then a Left to Right + Victory Lap to finish 😃 1st Cut of Semi & runways getting their regular second trimm of the week, Tee’s trimmed, Bunker traps raked &…

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Thursday – Course Status Green Greens are getting double action this morning with a cut and a roll 🤩 Also, new flag positions Tee banks getting there haircut Of course, daily tasks being done Last but very not least more white posts and new chains being installed 😍

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Wednesday – Course Status Green Greens having a roll after the spiker yesterday Approaches getting a trim 2nd cut rough being cut with new cutting blades 🤩🥰 Fairway irrigation heads have a trim to stop them from being covered over Daily tasks getting done Last but not least, golf buggies having a wash

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Tuesday – Course Status Green 10th tee start Greens are having a cut with a perimeter cut ahead of the spiker, spiking the red halfs Tees getting a trim Fairway and 1st cut rough beening mown With tasks done throughout the day 🙂

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Monday – Course Status Green Greens getting a cut and holes moved to green halfs ahead of tomorrow’s spiking of the red halfs. Approaches getting a trim. Tees are having a feed spray before its get wet through the week to keep them happy. Daily tasks being done and of course a range pick after…

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Sunday – Course Status Green. Greens getting a roll, Approaches trimmed, Bunkers raked as part of the Daily tasks, Along with yesterday’s play Divotted out, Practice Ground daily ball collection after the Course is set for our lovely members 😀

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Saturday – Course Status Green. Greens mown with a Victory Lap, Plant protection spray out slightly earlier than planned, due to what looks like the last dry day to apply 😬 Early is always better than late or not at all! Some Acid to reduce PH levels, Cu, Zn & Mn in todays mix 💥…

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