Thursday – Course Status Green.
Daily setup tasks in progress with a smidge of crispy stuff around 🥶
Massively popular activity this morning…. Ball Washer fluid swapped, dreamy! 😅

Drainage on the 10th Approach tackled,

Remaining ditches brush cut and put to bed for the Winter.

After yesterday’s afternoon application of Dew Suppressant there is no operation to the Greens this morning due to the risk of picking up the recently applied Granular Fertiliser.
We did attempt to poke some holes in some saturated areas on a few greens but the fertiliser was getting lifted on the rollers.

This will be attempted later when the surface is dry with some seed and dressing in them areas.
This was due to waterlogging through the super wet periods we had. Renovations soon so we can get them back to tip top for the 2024 season 🤩