
Wednesday – Course Status Amber with some white stuff 🥶 Practice ground Closed between 12 & 2 this afternoon for Maintenance.

Frosty Setup/Check on the Course this morning.

The Glamorous task of all hands on deck debris picking the Driveway & Lawns while dark.

7th Bunker getting “Bagged” to create the shape.

Machinery Servicing 🛠

Also an important thing to do when periods of cold weather are here…. start them up and give those mowers not frequently used a run to keep batteries on their toes.

6th Tee Area clearance continues…. lots more light shown here in yesterday pic to a normally dark wet area. No Tree’s removed, just “Crap” & “Scrub” removed to expose the lovely Oak.

The Monster task of Brush Cutting the 7th Ditch started.