Monday – Status Green & Fluffy…. Mowday Monday!
Been delaying the sharpening of the Cutting equipment due to Sand & Casts hanging around…. big push on Mowers this morning to have a sharpen up tomorrow as growth is Booming 💪

Greens trimmed, for the last time at a raised height due to Sand and new seedlings present…

Approaches nipped,

Fairway’s Messy Mown, some serious Grass on these going into Autumn 💥

Tee’s mown,

Over an inch in the last few days… coupled with mild temps means far too much grass! A problem, but a good problem.

Daily Setup Tasks ✔️ off.

Robotic Mower Trial plodding on around the Academy Green.

Thanks to whoever took a chunk out of the 1st Green, lovely gesture, come in for chat if you like 👍