Thursday – Course Status Green, Practice Ground Closed for Maintenance 12 till 2pm.
A shuffle on workload this morning as tomorrow’s forecast looks a bit tricky to get some clean dry cuts on areas for the Weekend’s Club Championship.
Green’s getting a micro slit, in preparation for tomorrow’s wet stuff,
A mow behind with no VL as growth is within control,
Right behind is an application of a Plant Health Mix…. some Acid, Cu, Zn, small traces of N & a residual/penetrant mix of wetter,
Approaches nipped,
Fairway’s getting a double cut a day early due to weather conditions tomorrow,
1st Cut of Semi a day early for the same reason as above, a drier cut a day early is better than a wet cut,
Tee Banks getting some love too!
Daily setup tasks done on a reduced scale, but Tee’s divotted later on.
Some signage made up to help with some tircky areas