Thursday – Course Status Green.
Greens trimmed with a VL,

Annoyingly…. Planned and Due Plant Protection Spray dropped with forecast of Drizzle…. This spray needs to be applied dry with no rainfall for a few hours after the last green sprayed or it’s a waste of over £700! Gulp… more worrying ontop of the waste of money is the potential of Disease creeping in… so we will sneak this spray in as soon as conditions allow.

Approaches nipped, with the addition of some lines to sneak them out soon amd make these lovely areas more fun! If we stay still, we go backwards, so we are always looking to push things onwards and upwards.

Ditches strimmed,

Daily Setup tasks completed, with Tee Plinth love ❤️,

Tree Management keeps going… Struggling looking trees checked and Marked for Attention,

arge Excavator in to prep Winter Works Materials…. so making use of the beast to tidy up the Stable area where we have some old equipment we pinch parts off.

Also moving some “Black Gold” and get nasty material to be made into the same stuff!

Another Member of the Team having his College Assessment…