Thursday – Highway Mens Fun Comp with a 4 Tee Start at 9am
Greens getting a rest this morning, with no operation on them. Doing well a week in… 👌

Approaches getting another nip 2nd day on the trott, to free up the Machine for another task tomorrow while that mower is being repaired.

Tee Banks Topped,

2nd Cut of Semi getting the stalks cut… limited growth due to the dry weather but the fleshy areas are still going for it

Soil screening continues,

Car Park Hedges getting some long overdue trimming due to Equipment shortage Issues 😬 The phrase “You only know what we do, when we don’t do it” comes to mind here. Happy to see these tidied up!

Tee setup, looks like shovels were taken round yhe Course, not Irons 🤣