Tuesday – Course Status Green
Greens trimmed with a VL,

Leaf samples taken to ensure we are on track and not over/under applying Nutrients. Under is detrimental obviously… over is a waste of resources as like us, it can’t take more food than it needs, we leave it on the plate 🤣

Tee’s trimmed,

Heavy Divot from yesterday’s play and a top up of old play,

A spray of Nutrition, PGR & fortnightly wetter to keep recovery going from Members enjoying the Course 😎

1st Cut of Semi trimmed,

2nd Cut topped too,

Fallen tree on 14th dismantled,

Few Fairway’s mown yesterday in the dry, remaining few cut later when dry. Biggest and most important area of mown surface we have, that benefits massively from mown in the dry so please give the guys a hand and let them crack on and you wont see them twice 😉

Loads of boring stuff too… have a great day 😘